July 7, 2014
Interesting times in Phnom Penh
I left early to tether at Dangkor Primary and Secondary School in the south of Phnom Penh. I picked up Philip, my helper, along the way. […]
June 22, 2014
I left Bangkok and made my way to the Cambodian border, around 260kms away. They are upgrading the road and not far out of Bangkok was […]
June 13, 2014
Goodbye Malaysia
The last few weeks have been preparing the truck and planning for Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. I spent almost a whole week in the Velocity Race […]
May 17, 2014
Malaysia, Part 2
The last few weeks have been preparing the truck, researching the route ahead and generally getting things in order. I’ve been lucky enough to be staying […]
April 24, 2014
The Philippines
It has been a successful few weeks. I’ve attended balloon festivals in Malaysia and The Philippines. I flew to The Philippines from Kuala Lumpur along with […]